

A Goal Achieved in writing my “First” book!

“I laughed at you wearing heels..”

I had to share the following email (and unfortunately for you the picture above) that I received shortly after the publishing of my first book last month. I have received a few similar emails from the few that have read it. When people heard that I was doing a Leap Year of Firsts and writing about it  https://www.amazon.com/author/keithbaldwinfirsts.com they asked what my expectations where. They wanted to know if I wanted to make money off of it or be on the New York Times Best Seller’s list. Although that would be nice, that was not my motivation. My goal of writing my first book was to sell ONE book and to help or inspire ONE person.    

I have now “officially” achieved my goal of selling one book (I’ve sold many to date) and help (inspire) one person as the following email to me recently documents.

“Hi Keith, It’s Jan. I just wanted to tell you that I read your whole book. As soon as Steve got home from work I picked it up and started reading and never put it down. I actually couldn’t put it down. It was that interesting. I read it in one night. Kudos to you on a fantastic job. Not many people could commit to 365 days of “firsts” I really, really enjoyed it. There were times in the book that I got choked up and other times where I actually laughed out loud. That is what I call a good book when you feel all the emotions that the author writes. I teared up at you in the shower crying about the unknown of your company and employees and when you walked through a quiet, empty building when it was supposed to be the busiest time of year. I truly felt your pain. I laughed at you wearing heels and the picture was hysterical. I laughed at you in a pink tutu on the golf course. The part I laughed at the most and laughed out loud was when you baked your mother medical marijuana brownies. You have inspired me to be a better person and that is the truth. I do what I can for the homeless and the less fortunate and try to do nice things for people but I could do more….And I will. You have inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. You are a strong person who saved your company from the grips of the pandemic and you kept on pushing through. That is just amazing. I just wanted to commend you on a job well done!! I truly loved it and am looking forward to a second book. I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy HEALTHY New Year! Sincerely, Jan”

Humbled. Forever Grateful. With much Love, Keith